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We’re LTSA Approved Manufacturers and Repairers so we’re qualified to manufacture, repair or maintain whatever you need for your truck and trailer units. 

Ten4 is the North’s most versatile fabrication specialist.

And because we specialise in Transport Engineering, we understand the importance of getting you mobile quickly!

LTSA Approved Manufacturers and Repairers; we can certify and issue LT400 Certifications in-house for chassis repairs, load anchorages, log bolsters and towing connection.

We also build drop siders, flat decks, steel and alloy truck and trailer bathtub bodies, transporters, tractor units, draw beams, drawbars, tow bars, motor homes and horse trucks. We can lengthen or shorten wheelbases. Basically if it’s got wheels we can help you build it and keep it on the road!

We are ASNZS2980 Certified Welders with experience in steel, aluminium and stainless steel welding and we offer a range of other services such as cutting and folding services.

We won the IRTENZ awards - (Institute of Road Transport Engineers NZ) for Best National Best Practice Workshop 2006 – 2007.

We can certify and issue LT400 Certifications in-house